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    Again! Cape No.7~再次海角七號


    原本 title 是要取作「再見!海角七號」,不過覺得這樣好像會造成誤解,所幸改名為「再次海角七號」。是的,海角七號再一次。上次看海角七號的時候是剛上映不久的八月,對於自己有幸身為這部強檔國片的頭幾名觀眾,一方面是基於自己眼光的驕傲,一方面則是推廣國片的愛國心,從那天起逢人就問:「看海角七號了沒?」

    the title is “again! Cape No.7.” yes, it’s my second time to see this movie in the theater. it is rare for me to see a movie in the cinema for twice; however, maybe it’s because i went to the movie before it became famous, and feel proud of my sight. after the first seeing of this movie, i asked everyone near me if they went to the movie yet.

    時間過了近兩個月,在海角七號票房數字破三億的時候---這是統計方式,雖然有某報社每次都硬要寫它的票房只有一億多,海角七號礙到你了嗎?---Noid 我又再次到電影院報到了。

    it’s been 2 months since the movie first shown. the Box Office has reached 3 billion NTD, and i went to this movie again.

    第二次看一部電影,時空和心情都不太一樣,看電影的心得也會有一點不一樣。首先,一樣的部份,還是對於劇中提到的人口外移的問題,這問題存在於許多南部的城鎮,對於資本主義的無奈,我們小市民又能做什麼?另外就是縣民代表--「洪國榮」,演活了一個亦正亦邪的角色,興趣是打架、吵架、殺人、放火的縣民代表,最大的心願則是重建恆春,把所有的年輕人都找回這個漂亮的國境之南。這個感覺,讓人覺得有點衝突,明明不應該被容許的行為 (開賓士逆向),卻有著讓人感動的理想。想到這裡,腦中又途然飄過「波麗士大人」的片段。

    the feeling of this movie has a little bit different from the first time i’ve seen it. first of all, it’s the issue of migration young people. it happens in many of cities in south of Taiwan, it’s one of the side effects of capitalism, and there is nothing a citizen like us can do. there is a controversial point “the character of county representative, 洪國榮.”as a county representative, his interests are arguing, fighting, setting firs and killing people. However, he is also the one who wants to reset 恆春 and recall all the young people to come back to their home town.

    除了縣民代表的角色之外,茂伯的角色也是不管看幾次都不會膩。雖然在片中髒話不斷地重現,但是每每茂伯冒出髒話的時候,卻也是戲院的觀眾大笑的時候。這也是一個理念與現實的衝突,就一般而言,髒話是不被鼓勵的,但是,我想大家也知道,真正正統的髒話,罵起來是很好聽,很親切的。不過寫在 MSN 的抬頭上就不是很雅觀。

    apart from the county representative, the living national heirloom,茂伯 is another controversial point. i think everyone knows that dirty words are not tolerable. there are lots of dirty words in the movie; nonetheless, it’s not intolerable in the movie, it’s the most popular part in the movie. every Taiwan people should know that the best dirty words in Taiwan sounds better than songs and gives people a feeling of friendly in a strange way. btw, the dirty words do not have the same feeling in the MSN title.

    最後,看了第二次之後,Noid 覺得,這部片之所以可以讓許許多多的台灣人感動,除了劇情、角色、製片之外,片中那股存在於台灣人民心中的另類衝突,也是造就這部片成功的功臣之一。另外,片中有一位角色感覺滿多餘的,不過沒有又不行。那位角色就是片中的日本來台的歌手---中孝介。如果是在日本船上的那位中孝介,並不會多餘,畢竟是重要的支線劇情;但是,最後演唱會的那一個中孝介,整個感覺就是多餘;偏偏,又不能沒有這位角色,不然梗就鋪不下去了,這個衝突是我在片中感覺到最不能接受的。

    題外話,看過第二次之後,覺得片中的音樂都很棒!尤其是小范的那兩首「無樂不作」和「國境之南 海角七號」。最後再補上官方部落格,上次忘了給大家。希望大家支持國片,不要看盜版的。

    after the article, i founds that songs in Cape No.7 are excellent! especially Van’s 「無樂不作」and「國境之南 海角七號」。regards to the official site, which i forgot to attach last time, is here. last hope, i hope every can go to the cinema to see this movie, and against the piracy.
