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    Love's Old Sweet Song


    Love's Old Sweet Song
    Originally uploaded by Just B Cuz.
    [以下引用" Just B Cuz "--photo上傳人 對這張photo的註解]

    This has the names Flora and Sikes on the back written in pencil. I do not know who took it but it is one of my all time favorite photos, I got it at a flea market. There are so many details of this picture that I love.

    On the back is written also "Love's Old Sweet Song" . Perfect!

    Here are the lyrics to the song...

    Once in the dear, dead days beyond recall,
    When on the world the mists began to fall
    Out of the dreams that rose in happy throng,
    Low to our hearts love sang an old sweet song,
    And in the dusk where fell the firelight gleam,
    Softly it wove itself into our dream...

    Just a song at twilight,
    When the lights are low;
    And the flick'ring shadows,
    Softly come and go,
    Tho' the heart be weary,
    Sad the day and long,
    Still to us at twilight,
    Comes love's old song, Comes love's old sweet song.

    Even today we hear love's song of yore,
    Deep in our hearts it dwells for-ever-more,
    Footsteps may falter, weary grow the way,
    Still we can hear it at the close of day.
    So 'til the end when life's dim shadows fall,
    Love wil be found the sweetest song of all...

