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    TRUE BLUE ~Words and Music by John Williamson


    True Blue 一個 Oz 的 slang.意思是"純正的澳洲.非常澳洲的意思."John Williamson---一個在澳洲非常受歡迎的鄉村歌手.其名聲僅次於 Slim Dusty.這首歌是我最喜歡的一首.True blue...每次聽這首歌的時候.就好像看到Oz永遠湛藍的天空.辛普森般的雲.Kukabara的笑聲...現在.就分享給大家.一起感受溫暖的陽光.True Blue的天空吧...聽歌方式同以前.歌詞如下:

    Hey True Blue, don't say you've gone
    Say you've knocked off for a smoko
    And you'll be back later on
    Hey True Blue, Hey True Blue

    Give it to me straight
    Face to face
    Are you really disappearing,
    Just another dying race,
    Hey True Blue.

    True Blue, is it me and you?
    Is it Mum and Dad, is it a cockatoo?
    Is it standing by your mate
    When he's in a fight?
    Or will she be right?
    True Blue, I'm asking you...

    Hey True Blue, can you bear the load?
    Will you tie it up with wire,
    Just to keep the show on the road?
    Hey True Blue, Hey True Blue, now be Fair Dinkum

    If they sell us out like sponge cake
    Do you really care?
    Hey True Blue.

    True Blue, is it me and you?
    Is it Mum and Dad, is it a cockatoo?
    Is it standing by your mate
    When she's in a fight?
    Or will she be right?
    True Blue, I'm asking you...

    True Blue, is it me and you?
    Is it Mum and Dad, is it a cockatoo?
    Is it standing by your mate
    When he's in a fight?
    Or will she be right?
    True Blue ... True Blue

    # Smoko---Slang 意思是休息一下
    To 'knock off for a smoko' is to have a break for a coffee, tea or cigarette.

    # True Blue----純正的澳洲.非常澳洲的意思
    Steadfast loyal Australian who displays the Aussie ideals of a fair go for all, mateship, having a go, and solving problems.

    # Fair Dinkum-- how are you 的意思
    Virtually the same as True Blue - honest, reliable, trustworthy, dinki-di; someone who has embraced the Aussie attitudes to everything, especially mateship. 'Are you fair dinkum?' means 'are you telling the truth?'
    Is your heart still there?
