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    Paris 2008 巴黎愛情故事




    《Paris》(2008),a simple and ordinary movie or a low budget movie. However, this is a movie that can truly touch people's heart.

    故事的背景,就如同片名一樣,是設定在 Paris。一位在紅磨坊跳舞的舞者(Pierre)因為心臟病而停止跳舞,並在家休養。在家休養的這一段期間,他開始注意到身邊鄰居們的生活。有些人說,這部片的主角是 Pierre 的姐姐 Élise。不過,我個人則是覺得是 Pierre,雖然他出場的時間和姐姐比起來算少。

    As the title of this movie, the theme was set in Paris. Pierre, who used to be a dance in Moulin Rouge, but retired because of his failing of heart. The story line go around Pierre's home retired life. Many said that Élise was the main character of the movie, but i think Pierre was the one that lead the story.

    電影從 Élise 搬來和弟弟一起住的時候開始,市場攤販間的愛恨情仇(?)、歷史學家和建築師老弟的兄弟情深 (?)、老師和學生間的愛戀 (?)、姐姐對弟弟的體貼和照顧(?)。這些平凡卻又複雜的故事,就開始展開。片中的劇情,有時讓人感到溫馨,有時讓人鼻頭微酸,有時卻又讓人噴飯。這就是這部片成功的地方,這不就是我們的生活嗎?

    this movie begin with the move in of Élise with his brother and followed with love and hate of market vendors, historians and architects brotherhood, teacher and student affair, and sister-brother hood(?). These stories seem simple and ordinary, but they do really happen around us everyday.

    在電影越接近尾聲的時候,主角 Pierr 的狀況越來越不對勁,時而體力不佳,時而無力地喘息。而我就被 Pierr 這不穩定的身體狀況給影響,心中不斷地在喊:「不會在這邊死掉吧?」結果,到電影最後,都沒演出來。電影的最後一幕,Pierr 躺在計程車的後座,望著巴黎天空的感覺,給人一種無法言喻的輕鬆以及,鄉愁。

    when movie was getting to the end, Pierr's physical status started to become unstable, and so did my emotion. I couldn't help to think that, if he died here this would be sucks. However, he was still alive until the movie ended. While Pierr was at the back sit of the taxi, he laid down and stared at the sky of Paris, that sky gave people the feeling of relaxing and Nostalgia. this was the part i like the most about this movie, every scene of the city became so beautiful and a little grief.


    "This is Paris, we complain about her, but we love her at the same time." do you think so about Taipei?


    2008 金馬國際影展

    Paris on IMDb
