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    畫皮2008-painted skin


    一部改編自中國經典小說《聊齋誌異》的電影。講到《聊齋》,大多數人應該會想到許多鬼怪的故事和情結,其實並不然。電影《倩女幽魂》也是《聊齋》改編成的電影,也就是說,鬼怪的確是《聊齋》當中的主要元素之一,不過另一個元素,則是愛情。( 雖然《畫皮》只是從《聊齋》當中的一句話改編成的電影:「見一獰鬼,面翠色,齒巉巉如鋸,鋪人皮於榻上,執彩筆而繪之。已而擲筆,舉皮如振衣狀,披於身,遂化為女子」)

    The movie “Painted Skin” is a movie based on a famous Chinese book “the Strange Tales.” Many of u may consider this movie as a horror movie because of its title. However, like the movie “A Chinese Ghost Story”, “Painted skin” is also a romance movie.


    With great curiosity, I went see this movie. The “painted skin” gives people the feeling of fined produces and typical Hong Kong CG.


    I really adore the main character Wang-shun, that he can resist the Hu-yao’s, alluring woman fox’s, temptation. It’s very rare for men, especially in that time a man can marries more than one wife. However, girls don’t think the main character is worth to adore. They said, it’s only the time when a man has an affair.

    話說,早在 1993 年就已經有一部《畫皮之陰陽法王》這樣的一部電影了,而且都是大卡司在演。不知道有沒有人看過?《畫皮之陰陽法王

    Btw, there was a movie called “Painted Skin : the Yin Yang Lord” in 1993, and it’s also based on the same book, “Strange Tales.” Actors and actress in “Painted Skin : the Yin Yang Lord” are very famous at that time. Have any of u seen that?



    Forever Fish

