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    Ekka History!!!
    資料來源 Royal Queensland show

    What is the Ekka?(什麼是Ekka?)
    What’s the Ekka? Brisbane Ekka’s official title is now the Royal Queensland Show . . . but the Ekka has had several name changes over the years. The Exhibition grew from the formation of the National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland in 1875. This group was formed to organise the first Queensland Intercolonial Exhibition. This occurred in 1876 at the present site. Admission was 5 shillings on judging day, 2/6 for the opening ceremony and one shilling for admission after the opening ceremony.
    什麼是Ekka?Brisbane Ekka現在的官方名稱已改成 the Royal Queensland Show.但是 the Ekka這個名稱.其實已經換過很多次了.這個展覽(the Ekka)是在1875年由國家昆士蘭農產業協會發展出來的.這個組織.當初是舉辦昆士蘭殖民紀念展時成立的組織.地點則是現在的展覽地.入場費在決賽日是5個先令.開幕典禮則是2/6先令.開幕過後則是1先令的入場費.
    The first Exhibition in 1876 was held at the present site, in the grounds of the Acclimatisation Society of Queensland. This Society was set up to ‘introduce, propagate and distribute useful plants from overseas countries’. In 1863, the colonial government had granted the Society 32 acres for its work. But as the Exhibition grew, it took over more and more of the gardens, as well as purchasing land in Fortitude Valley. Today only a fragment of the original gardens survives as ‘Bowen Park’. As you pass Royal Brisbane Hospital, look on the opposite side of Bowen Bridge Road and you’ll see the Park’s iron gates and gracious old trees. The first Brisbane Exhibition was held in 1876.
    在1876年的第一場展覽.就是在現在舉辦展覽的場地舉辦的.也就是現在的Acclimatisation Society of Queensland所在地.這個協會當初設立的目標是在"引進.繁殖和銷售海外的有利農作物."在1863年.殖民政設計了32英畝的田地給這個協會.但是隨著展覽規模一年一年的成長.所需的田地也一年一年的增加.同時.當局也買下了Fortitude Valley的土地.但是隨著時間的變遷.現在只剩下一小塊花園還存活著.那便是現在的 ‘Bowen Park’. 當你經過Royal Brisbane Hospital.只要往Bowen Bridge Road的另一邊看.你就會看到‘Bowen Park’的鐵柵欄和優美的古樹.而Brisbane的第一次展覽(後稱的the Ekka)就是在1876年在這舉辦的.

    This year’s Ekka marks 127 years of annual celebration of Queensland’s progress and prosperity. The Ekka has only been cancelled once, in 1919 during the international flu epidemic, when the grounds were used as an emergency hospital. The Exhibitors Dining Hall became a ward, and other wards were set up in military huts erected in the Exhibition grounds.
    在昆士蘭省的進步和繁榮的同時.the Ekka在今年(2005)已經邁入第127個年頭了.在這127年當中.the Ekka只有在1919年因為流感的爆發而缺席過一次.而那年原本the Ekka的場地.也被拿來當做緊急救護中心來使用.展覽的飲食部被當做病房使用.更在展覽的場地搭起了簡易軍用小屋.當病房用.
    The Show is a regular event in the calendar of towns and cities across the state. Brisbane’s first show or Exhibition was held in 1876, and was intended to promote not just local industries, but to showcase the agricultural, pastoral and industrial resources of the whole of Queensland. Just as important are the social aspects of the Show where the people of the city and the country come together - country tweed, moleskins, and city business suits mingle at the Cattleman’s Bar and for many years the annual Show Balls have been a highlight of Queensland’s social scene.

    The Ekka Show 被視為一個橫跨昆士蘭的每年必備事件.Brisbane第一次的展覽是在1876年.而當時展覽的目地.不僅僅是促銷Brisbane的產品.同時也包含了全昆士蘭的 農.工.畜的資源.對許多人而言.這個一年一度的展覽.是很重要的.因為它讓很多不太有機會遇到的人.聚在一起...穿麻布衣的花呢裝的.和西裝打領帶的.通通都在一家牧羊人酒巴相聚聊天.多年來.展覽舞會一直都是展覽的重點.
    (譯 by Noid)
